Ghostly barn owl spotted

Beautiful evening in the orchard tonight. Spotted my first barn owl, which I scared whilst walking past an apple tree. Feel bad I ruined the owls evening rabbit hunt.

Overrun by rabbits

So many fluffy rabbits in the garden and orchard. They love munching grass, my garden plants, and poo everywhere. The tree cover in the orchard means they are safe from flying predators. They also have so many burrows to dive into when a fox is about. Peter Rabbit and his family are exploding in numbers. 


The orchard is now full of fluffy cute rabbits hopping around eating grass. In Spring we see dozens of them everyday. They live in multiple burrows and create an idyllic view of the orchard from our house. However these furry animals also cause damage to the apple trees by burrowing beneath their roots and destabilising…

Orchard seasons

To celebrate the seasons in the orchard I made these little pictures. Each picture includes key features for the season with:  Spring – tree full of blossom and rabbits running around Summer – green leaves on the branches and bees busy collecting pollen Autumn – red, brown and orange leaves and apples ready to fall…